What Are Altar Calls, and Are They Biblical?
QuestionsWhat Are Altar Calls, and Are They Biblical? We answer that question on this week’s episode.
Show Notes:
- Altar calls are not unbiblical, nor are they a required biblical act.
- Don’t measure the effectiveness of your preaching by the immediate emotional response of the people.
- Matthew 13:5-6
- Matthew 13:7,22
- Matthew 4:18-19
- Matthew 16:13-17
- If someone can convince you of something, somebody else can convince you differently.
- 1 Corinthians 2:1-4
- Good preaching is faithful to the text and tells people the truth about who they are, who Jesus is, and the necessity to respond to Him.
- Galatians 5:19-20
- Galatians 5:22-23
- Acts 2:36-38
- Romans 10:9-10
- John 16:8
- Pastors are called to make disciples who then identify with Christ through baptism, and to teach disciples everything that Jesus commanded.
- You aren’t saved because you come to an altar call, you are saved by a deep, heartfelt belief in who Jesus is and His provision for sin.
Helpful Resources:
1. Can I Lose My Salvation?
2. Can I Believe In Jesus and Not Be Saved?
3. How Do I Know If I am Saved?
4. (SERMON) Salvation
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